Check back here frequently as events (and event details) will be added throughout the school year!

Click the blue “SUBSCRIBE TO CALENDAR” button to, well, subscribe to the calendar!

Wellness Thursday

This Wellness Wednesday will actually be Wellness Thursday to coincide with the day after Halloween. Celebrate walking or biking to school! Bring extra candy to donate! Join us in front of the MP Room from 8:25 - 8:40 am. We will have healthy morning snack choices. All students are welcome. If you are interested in helping or want more information, please contact Elaine Rubin.

Kids Vote 2018

November 6 is Election Day — in the United States ... and at Mariemont! Mariemont students will be getting into the action to vote on important issues concerning our school! Polls will be open before school, during recess and lunch, and after school. A few parent volunteers are needed to work the polls, please consider signing up through this link. Let's rock the vote!

Dads on Campus Meeting

This meeting will be hosted at Skip’s Kitchen (most likely on the patio). We will have a mental health professional who specializes in helping adolescent girls and their loved ones deal with body image issues, eating disorders, and more. Please consider sending father figure types to get some great insight into how we can prepare for this time with our daughters. Read more about Dads on Campus here.

2019 Auction Informational Meeting

It’s time to learn a bit more about the 25th Annual Mariemont Dinner and Auction — our biggest fundraiser of the year. If you are interested in being a part of this amazing committee — or just learning more about what the Auction is all about — please join us on Tuesday, November 13th at 7:00 PM at Jeff Milde’s house, 4321 Sierra Madre Drive.   Big jobs. Small jobs. Work from home jobs. Work at school jobs. Fun jobs. Really really fun jobs. The Auction Committee is the perfect way to get involved at Mariemont, have a ton of fun, 

Missoula Children’s Theatre

Missoula Children’s Theatre (MCT) has become an annual Mariemont tradition. This year’s play will be King Arthur’s Quest. Auditions and rehearsals from December 3rd-7th with the performance on Saturday, December 8th. Registration forms coming home soon. More details on this page

Mariemont Auction Meeting #2

The 25th Annual Mariemont Dinner & Auction is officially set for Saturday, March 16th. This year’s Auction Committee is in full swing. Join us for meeting #2 on Wednesday, December 5th. Please email Jeff Milde if you are interested in attending (or just show up at Jeff’s house — 4321 Sierra Madre — at 7 PM on December 5th! — Big jobs. Small jobs. Work from home jobs. Work at school jobs. Fun jobs. Really really fun jobs. The Auction Committee is the perfect way to get involved at Mariemont, have a ton of fun, and get to know other 

5th Annual Winter Festival

We are thrilled to announce ... the 5th Annual Winter Festival. The Winter Festival is a FREE EVENT (your PTA dollars at work)! Bring the whole family — including siblings. Join us and make a few crafts or challenge yourself to make them all! Flyers should be at your homes by now! Please be sure to RSVP indicating the number of children attending. This helps us prepare the craft stations. A few things you can expect this year: Five — yes 5! — new craft stations Piano holiday music playing Hot chocolate and yummy desserts (provided by Mariemont families) VOLUNTEER We