Check back here frequently as events (and event details) will be added throughout the school year!

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Parent Info Night – Family & Friends CPR course

Multi-Purpose Room

A Family & Friends CPR course teaches lifesaving skills of adult, child, and infant CPR, as well as how to treat airway blockage. Skills are taught in a group setting using the American Heart Association’s practice-while-watching technique. This course is for people who want to learn CPR but do not need a formal CPR course completion certificate. Family & Friends CPR is ideal for parents, grandparents, babysitters (13 years or older), and anyone interested in learning how to potentially save a life. Taught by Mariemont parent and doctor, Wendy Ziegler. This is a free course with a maximum of 25 

Thank You Thursday

On the last Thursday of the month a grade level or group will spoil our staff with coffee and treats! Coffee is provided by the PTA; morning and afternoon snacks are donated. Unlike classroom treats, these can be homemade. When it is your child's grade level month, look for an email or Sign-up Genius on how to participate. This Month's Thank You Thursday is sponsored by Kindergarden.

Wellness Wednesday #5

Celebrate walking or biking to school! Join us in front of the MP Room from 8:25 - 8:40 am. We will have healthy morning snack choices. All students are welcome. If you are interested in helping or want more information, please contact Elaine Rubin.

Race For the STARS

Rio Americano 4540 American River Drive, Sacramento, CA, United States

Fun run benefiting SJUSD. Held at Rio Americano High School. Details here

Thank You Thursday

On the last Thursday of the month a grade level or group will spoil our staff with coffee and treats! Coffee is provided by the PTA; morning and afternoon snacks are donated. Unlike classroom treats, these can be homemade. When it is your child's grade level month, look for an email or Sign-up Genius on how to participate. This Month's Thank You Thursday is sponsored by the PTA Executive Board.

Mariemont’s Got Talent (Talent Show)

Don’t miss our annual talent show in the MP room. Free admission for the entire family. Note: Admission to the talent show on Friday night is FREE, but we will be accepting donations for the UCP (United Cerebral Palsy) Players Group of Sacramento.    The “UCP Players” are an integrated group of individuals who have the passion and love for music and the arts including Improvisational Theatre, Spoken Word Classes and an all-inclusive sing-a-long to the classics of the ’50s’60s’s, and ’70s. The UCP Players are part of the UCP of Sacramento and Northern California family (San Juan AGE Program) 

Spring Beautification Day

Come lend a hand to spruce up landscaping, spread bark, clean coat racks, repaint benches and wall ball areas, and more! More hands = less work Your help in the morning or even an hour is very much appreciated. All of this great work makes our school shine for Spring Celebration! Community Service hours are available. Sign up now